Thursday 25 April 2013

Supernatural: S08E20 - Pac-Man Fever.

Supernatural is back! Yay...
Despite being the twentieth episode of the season, Pac-Man Fever is basically a filler episode. Sure we get some new locations for the Batcave and a spectacle of just how bad a shape Sam is currently in but Kevin isn't found by the end of the episode and we instead focus on pencilling in more detail about a character I don't care about. Fantastic.

I think I can now put Charlie down as officially one of my least favourite things about modern Supernatural. I mean I won't lie, I don't like Felicia Day in the first place, she is one of those Internet anomalies, two people do the same thing but one gets burnt at the stake while the other gets heralded as the next messiah. Why Day caught on in the geek consciousness where so many others have failed is a mystery to me, I see no extra likability in her or her character that I haven't seen in others who were hated. Either way, she was just as quirky annoying as ever in this episode but I'm sure what would get many people a fierce backlash for less will here have everyone going on about how perfect she is.

However what really annoyed me more was her backstory. As someone who lost his Mum when he was a teenager I did find it all deeply upsetting because it brought back my own memories but what I found more upsetting however was how cheap this all was and played. It came from fucking nowhere, was completely unnecessary and seemed to only serve as a hack device to get non believers invested in her character. I found it disgusting, pathetic and quite insulting.

What kinda disgusts me about this more is the episode seemed to think it was being really clever with it. First drawing parallels between Dean and Charlie with the whole, 'hey we both have dead parents' bullshit but just to make sure it pounds you over the head with it until you fall unconscious we have two villains of the week, a mother and a son and of course the mother is killed off first. SYMBOLISM. How about you just fuck off? With all the blood and guts of Supernatural, this is the first episode that has left me repulsed by how exploitative it all felt in an area I am rightly very touchy on.

The episode wasn't written much better in any other areas either as it dropped in references and scenes about nerd culture at pretty much every opportunity it could leaving that kind of embarrassment when your Dad has had too many at a wedding and decides to show off his moves. Once upon a time the pop culture references were quite fun and witty, in this episode they just sounded like they were both trying too hard and thought they were way cooler than they really were.

It was also horribly paced. Blink and you'll miss it between the Djinn's reveal and the Djinn's death leading to an actual resolution for the episode that feels rushed and tacked on with an unnecessary and frankly quite confusing double twist.

What I will say was good about the episode was the acting from Ackles and Padalecki. As much as I have disliked this season as a whole, Ackles has been fantastic throughout and this episode was no different. As much as everything Charlie related left me sick to my stomach, the scenes almost became watchable just for his performances. And although Padalecki isn't putting on some method acting Oscar worthy performance, I really did get a great sense of just how bad a state he's been left by the trials this episode. I was also especially impressed by just how much they conveyed with a quick hug and small expressions.  

Supernatural episodes normally annoy me with how crappy they are and how unwilling the fanbase is to admit the shows faults but this episode actually physically offended me. Seriously, just fuck this episode, what a vile piece of trash.

  • Great acting, and scenes, from our favourite TV brothers.
  • Yay another filler episode...
  • Charlie.
  • Honestly pretty much just everything, I despised this episode. 
  • Also wow, Supernatural just felt so ancient with its attempts to appeal to geek culture and failing miserably.  

Think About It!


What would you rate, 'Pac-Man Fever'?


Unknown said...

They are so far to the geek culture. Everytime I see Charlie saying a game's name I have never heard, I feel like the scene is really fucked up. Its like Supernatural fans don't know anything about game endustry. Shit...

And that scene where boys holding handheld consoles was really absurd. I'm not even talking about how old they are and what was the game is with its old pixel game sounds. They continued playing after seeing someone dead. I was like, seriously :O ???

Next episode has probably came out and I'm gonna watch it tomorrow night(hint: its not a filler episode, lol:D)

Think About It! said...

Because every gamer replaces leaving with 'ctrl, alt, delete out of there' some kind of parallel universe where everyone is an idiot.

The next episode airs in a few hours, luckily there is no way for it to be as bad as this episode was.

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