I was originally going to take a look at Amazon/Lovefilm's Zombieland Pilot but then I didn't see one person with anything nice to say. As many jokes as you can make about me being a pretentious asshole who doesn't like what everyone else likes, with so many TV shows either ongoing or coming out in a constant stream, I really haven't got time to possibly waste on a Pilot that I might be the only person to enjoy. However watching this turned out to be just as much of a mistake, fuck.

Here is what you need to know about the episode. A girl is murdered by a werewolf. And you don't even get that much plot in the actual episode, it's just pretty much all of the series big twists and reveals have already been spoiled in the trailers. That basically sets the tone for how awful this episode was.

Plus even without the confusing timescale, each scene seems there less to tell us information and more to set up questions so we come back and watch. Some scenes honestly seemed to have no purpose whatsoever. There is a need to hook your audience on network TV because you basically spend your entire run with your head on the chopping block, especially in your first few episodes but that makes no sense here on Netflix since the whole series is up already for you to watch. Surely with that structuring in mind, you can put as much time as you want into every story to explore it in the most amount of possible detail? I may have been confused by the end of the Hannibal Pilot but the little information I got there is still more than the no information at all I got from this.

The dialogue in this episode is dreadful as well, so it looks like neither Roth nor the cast had much to work with scriptwise either. Everything sounds scripted and unnatural and that is just in the general conversations, when it comes to actual plot centred dialogue, they literally just sound like they are reading out of a text book all delivered with unbelievable and frankly laughable accents.

And for all I know the series may get a lot better, taking Eli Roth away from the production (minus his money) is pretty much a guaranteed way to improve the quality immediately. But after watching this, I have very little interest in seeing anything else it has to offer because this had barely anything to offer me.
- There is some good cinematography.
- And some good set design/locations.
- Nothing really happens.
- Awful pacing and plotting.
- Eli Roth is an awful director.
- The acting sucks.
- The dialogue is bad.
- It reminds me that The Gates got cancelled.
Think About It!
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