I just hope, as this is the last episode, that this leaves a sweeter taste in your mouth than last weeks episode.

We didn't really care how Danny was killed or really why either. The only question we had was, 'what happens when we do find the killer?'. Thankfully the main focus of the episode is on that question, as we explore the near immediate aftermath of the reveal. And although there was little satisfaction to be found in this bittersweet ending, what it did reveal is just how deeply emotionally invested we were in all of this, turning Broadchurch into less of a show and more into some kind of event. This truly was a masterfully written series, not without its weak points, but looking at the series as a whole, it's hard to not come away from Broadchurch calling it a masterpiece.

Not only is there little resolution for the town in finding the killer, there is little for you either. What you don't think of at the time, is living in Broadchurch for two months and going through this investigation with them as you get to know these characters growing into your friends and your family, is that whoever the killer turned out to be, it wasn't just going to be someone the town knew, it'd be someone we knew as well. We were never going to be enriched by the ending, we were never going to be happy with whoever was revealed to be the killer, because we cared about all of these people and it meant that someone we cared for, committed such a horrible act. And people we cared about were only going to get further damaged because of it. It really isn't nice watching the lives of people you've grown to love get further ruined.

The acting in this episode was fantastic as well. I mean the acting is always good but the first episode and the last episode are really the most important places actingwise and there was many the sequence to show off how good this cast was. My personal favourite scene was where Hardy had to first reveal to Miller it was Joe, that showed just how far their relationship had come. What I especially liked about this scene, is that although Tennant will probably be mentioned little in relation to the finale, his performance here was just as important and powerful as Colman's. Wonderful stuff.

- Pretty much the perfect ending for this series.
- It put the focus on all the right areas.
- Incredibly well written.
- It elicits such a powerful response from you.
- And gets you so emotionally involved.
- It just all fits and works.
- The acting was wonderful.
- Was Joe being the killer too obvious?
- Was his paedophilic motivations too out there?
- I guess for some viewers, this lack of a clean cut ending may annoy, I guess. Fuck those guys though.
Think About It!
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