I know I have a new Kyoryuger still left to review but my laptop is fixed, everything is on hiatus, so let's pick up a new show!
To be honest with you, I knew very little about Defiance beyond, 'wait a minute, there is a video game?', well that is a lot of faith you have in your show! Predictably the reaction to the pilot was a mixed one, with most of the criticisms coming down to either claims that Defiance lacked originality and that it was perhaps too sci-fi jargon heavy for a mass audience. And what did I think? Well...
Apparently much of Defiance's back story is painted in the MMO, which I will not be playing, and personally if they don't make the show and the game independent of one another in at least the key areas, this is a recipe for disaster because all you're doing is forcing people to play your video game and basically pushing anyone away who doesn't. This is just stupid, who the hell thought this was a good business practise?

Defiance wants to appeal to every sci-fan fan and so in turn ends up appealing to no one. As said, every plot point, every theme, it's all from somewhere else. Much like the last Doctor Who episode, Defiance borrows from much better properties and does little justice to them, making the lack of originality all the more unforgiving. There is the rebel half of the human race, the authoritarian half, each race has their own conflicts with other races and religions, there is the whole 'it's kinda like the wild west...only with aliens and lasers' stuff, you know the drill by now. You've seen this before and you've seen it done so much better.

This lack of originality undermines some of the much stronger aspects of the episode as well. The show has a lot of fun with character interaction and has a cast that blends and mixes together very well. Although for the most part the show takes itself very seriously there are some genuinely very funny moments between the quirky and natural feeling character interaction with witty, intelligent dialogue that has a great sense of flow. But how can I praise any of the character relationships or complexities, when all of it is stolen from elsewhere? None of this is yours to praise.

And because it's chucking so much shit at you constantly, it has very little time to explore what it is actually chucking at you. After the hour and a half I had at least a hundred new words for my vocabulary but fuck knows what any of them mean. And often, even at key defining moments, the episode resulted in bullshit jargon rather than any actual explanations meaning we had to swallow more shit than we actually got to follow along. Shouting out made up science fiction words to avoid having to actually explain and provide logic to something is the weakest, cheapest, most pathetic and insulting form of science fiction writing. We've come a long, long way from the days when that was okay, here Defiance just felt utterly juvenile and stupid. If the thing had slowed down, introduced the information, mythology and characters more slowly, Defiance could have freed itself from its unoriginality and provided more fulfilling viewing. But it didn't, so...

Although there are some really fascinating and interesting designs for a lot of things in the show, our lead alien Irisa is of a race of Votan who basically look like humans with no eyebrows. And even her race, with their minimal design, still manage to look cheap with contacts so crappy they give the original Twilight a run for its money. If their eyes are basically the centre point to their design, couldn't you have put some effort in? For that matter, why couldn't Nolan have been partnered with one of those cool wolf, bear, spider things? Or one of the ape race? Oh yeah because that wouldn't be sexy and if we don't appeal to a teenage audience we might as well give up...

Unlike say, the SyFy Original films, which for the most part prove to be pretty enjoyable, Defiance doesn't know its limitations. Ambition is all well and good but its ambition is so beyond a mark the show can reach. And although the finished product was by no means terrible, it wasn't particularly good either and I just don't understand why you'd pick this over things like Farscape, Eureka, Mad Max or Firefly? And why would I want to play your game when I already own Fallout 3, New Vegas and BioShock?

- Strong chemistry between the cast.
- Some good dialogue.
- There are some interesting alien designs.
- Some polished action sequences.
- Not a single shred of originality.
- Terrible pacing.
- Stupidly idea heavy and explanation and exploration light.
- Stupid.
- Weakly written.
- Cheap cop outs.
- Bad plotting.
- Awful CGI.
- Some absolutely crap alien designs.
- A real need to appeal to teenagers.
- Unconvincing world.
- It doesn't know its limits.
- Or give a reason as to why this needs to exist.
- Why doesn't sci-fi just fucking do something else? You hold so much potential and just retread the same ideas and themes over and over and over a-fucking-gain. I'm so fucking bored.
Think About It!
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