Thursday 18 April 2013

Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger: S37E09 - So Strong! Pteraidenoh.

Without further ado...

Episode 9 felt extremely rushed both within the episode itself and the things going on outside of it. I mean we've had seven rangers now in the space of nine episodes and sure Cyan was just a short appearance and Gold was just in a flashback but still, we usually don't even see the sixth ranger until like half way through the series. And yes, I know there are meant to be Spirit Rangers and a Movie Ranger which means the number could go up to ten but considering they bothered to set up a big twist as to Gold's true identity it just feels too soon to play the reveal and undermines some of the effect it could have had.

And look, don't get me wrong, I hate how drawn out Sentai can be at times but we've had more story over these last nine episodes than a lot of sentai does in twice as much and they've set up very little to suggest there is any actual planned and thought out story to come after all this. I just don't want Kyoryuger to run out of steam and the second half of the series just be a series of goofy gags. I mean if they can keep this up, great! But I avoid getting my hopes up because I usually end up disappointed.

Plus why do Sentai flashbacks always suck? There has been an emphasis I've noticed, especially in later seasons, to give a legacy to the team and although they bother to film sequences of the Rangers in the past, they are normally extremely underwhelming. Like this week when Torin finally explains what happened to Gold and we get to see it on screen, basically KyoryuGold ran into a portal...the end. Could you imagine if that was how the climactic battle played out for the main team?

Where Episode 9 really picked up the slack was in the action sequences, especially as there were no shitty gag cop-outs this week. Pteragordon reveals its humanoid form, Pteraidenoh, and although it looks like a lost Kamen Rider, I can't deny how insanely fucking cool it is. Torin steps up again to fight the villains directly to further fuel my hope that he becomes a Ranger himself in DekaMaster fashion. Even the monster of the week is the most powerful one they have faced yet, you know it's good when it feels over too soon!

Not only does it thankfully avoid defeating villains with gags, the action incorporates all the best elements of a super sentai team, as they save people, battle giant robot dinosaurs and fight dudes in rubber suits all at the same time.

Overall it was a pretty good episode. If they had given it more build up it probably could have been a lot more satisfying but enjoyable action sequences saved the day almost as much as the Kyoryuger did.

  • Well at least it is getting on with it, I suppose.
  • Great action. 
  • KyoryuGold looked cool as hell in the flashback. 
  • Pteraidenoh awesome as well.
  • Torin!
  • All the members of the team get something to do.
  • Gold already?
  • Please don't run out of steam!
  • The flashback was surprisingly crappy.

Think About It!


What would you rate, 'So Strong! Pteraidenoh'?

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