Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Defying Gravity. (spoilers)

The main reason I didn't want to review TV was because I felt like I'd have to sit down and watch a few episodes a day and just watch that show from start to finish and watch nothing else at the same time and I didn't want to do that. But because I'm not doing that, this review may lack a little detail. But hey, the first official TV review. Enjoy!

You know what? Fuck it! I said no TV, then I reviewed some TV and made some excuses, now I'm watching quite a few bloody good shows and I want to review them. So no more excuses!

Now I have to say, this show made me sad and disappointed not because it was bad or anything but because shows like Heroes and Lost have huge fanbases and great ratings. Shows like Strictly Come Dancing can say the same. What do they have in common? They are all shit!

Heroes is probably the worst bundle a TV show can offer, awful writing, acting and effects mixed together with dull design and low production values, it hasn't even had one decent season. Lost dragged us in with two fucking awesome seasons then decided to troll us from that point forward and Strictly Come Dancing....well....

Then a great show like Defying Gravity barely scrapes enough ratings to make it to 13 episodes before the sets are destroyed...leaving fans like me with a season that feels like it's barely scraped the surface of the Defying Gravity universe and it's a crying shame since it was so bloody awesome.

So what is this show about? Well, a lot of things. It's about sex, life and aliens. Admittedly the way they mix these three things together doesn't really feel all that well balanced or planned out, but I blame the fact they only got a chance to make 13 episodes. But hey, I can only review what I have.

Okay. I've read the criticism of the show and I'll bring up the two criticisms I agree with completely.

First, the pacing, God the pacing in this show is fucking awful, the main story doesn't really kick in until the last five episodes and although the first 8 episodes give us character backstories and show us their training for the mission it has little to do with the main story and thanks to the fact there are only 13 episodes some things are never properly explained. Luckily however, I watched the ninth episode first simply because it was on in the background and since I knew what was coming and I wasn't painfully holding on for the twist so I for one found the first 8 episodes really enjoyable. A show that pays to be watched in the wrong order. Also any fans of Greys Anatomy (like me) will probably love the first 8 episodes too.

Secondly, yeah for a sci-fi show it's almost amusing how little sci-fi there is in this. I mean yeah, there is the training for the mission and yes we get to see the astronauts lives on the ship but until the last five episodes, that's really all the sci-fi this show has to offer.

Now onto the good!

The characters! Even if a lot of the flashbacks were pointless to the story they still helped flesh out the characters and give them a sense of depth and a human quality. It really allowed me to connect and care about the characters thanks to them being so fleshed out, it's shows like this that remind me how rarely I actually give a shit about characters in a movie or a TV show.

The production values! They were really high and really fucking good, the scenes on venus and in space are breathtaking. Their ship the Antares looks absolutely fantastic, the alien design is awesome and it's just got general good effects for a TV show.

The acting and script! For the most part was very good, there are occasional dips but generally and the chemistry between the cast was pretty damn good too.

The Science VS Religion, the tests of faith and implements of religious imagery was also a really nice touch. Ajay was a firm believer in fate and destiny and tied nicely into the show.

Plus it implements and uses well the Grey's Anatomyesque voice over from the 'main' character at the start and end as they talk in complicated metaphors about the things raised in the episodes. It also implements almost a music video in the middle of each episode really well too.

The laughs are big, the sad moments bring tears to your eyes, the tense moments are nail bitters, the lovey moments make you go "aw!" and so on. It does it's job and it does it very well.

So should you watch it? YES! GOD YES! Don't even think about it, just go and watch it right this very second. And watch it to at least episode nine before you give up, please.

Think about it!


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