Thursday 28 June 2012

Teen Wolf: S02E05 - 'Venomous'

I know I'm behind, pokemon took over my life for a few days until I got so frustrated I had to take a break. But better late than never, the new episode of Teen Wolf!

This the week the Kanima is our central plotpoint, even more than it has been running up to this point. And they're trying so hard to make it seem obvious that it is Lydia, it is clearly not Lydia in that reverse way that TV shows work with things like this. So now the question is, what the fuck is Lydia?

Basically Derek has assembled the Avengers to go on a quest to find the Kanima with any means necessary. That is basically our plot of the week, which is a little hard to take them seriously after Scott single handedly took them down last episode but whatever.

They raise real world lore information about the Kanima, although why they decided to bring to our attention they changed everything but the name...I don't know. The entire lore is a convoluted mess for the sake of suspense but that really is nothing new with the show, since there seems to be absolutely no sense of continuity with the werewolves either. Apparently everything is just about companionship really, all wolves want is a pack and all Kanima's want is a Maybe you should stop killing everyone you meet then! Apparently the main reason this Kanima is a lizard...or snake as they say in episode is sometimes a person can shape what they turn into. It doesn't go any deeper into this, but it's Derek's main driving force for first believing it's Jackson, then believing it's Lydia. What I don't get is though, what changed Jackson? Was he changed by Scott, by the Alpha or Derek? Was Derek's bite rejected because he was already turning? Why'd it take so long to realise? Will any of this ever get answered?

I really do like that they've found done with the character relationships, they feel much less alienate away from the supernatural side now basically everyone is in on it. Scott and Allison are as powerful and as passionate as ever - their chemistry is just incredible but now Allison isn't just a damsel in distress. Interesting further is that they kept her human and still made her independent, rather than thinking the only way to make her strong and independent was to give her super powers. I mean she took down a fucking werewolf, all on her own, using her smarts! In terms of Jackson and Lydia, Jackson is an absolute cunt and considering what Lydia has been through, I just wanted to give Jackson a good punch. I mean Lydia is queen bitch, but there are limits. So when it culminated into the powerful key returning sequence in this episode, I was in pieces. I can't handle the feels.

I know it's like positive representation and whatever, but I find it a little hard to believe...yes in a show about teenage werewolves, that Danny is able to come out openly to the whole school, hang out with the jocks, play on the sports team and at most his friends joke about it light-heartedly. In a real school all the kids would be scared to change in the same room as him, he'd be shunned to the furthest corners of the misfits and even the misfits wouldn't want to be associated with him and he'd have no hope of being on the sports team. I'm sorry, it's horrible but that is just how it is. I dislike it much as you. But if you're gonna keep tropes like the bitchy princess who never sees the nerdy guy, why make this massive change to high school hierarchy? It doesn't make you look good, it just looks unrealistic.

This is easily the most tense and badass episode of the season yet. I got hell of a kick out of this episode. It's tense and immediate as Scott attempts to save everyone as Derek is desperately trying to off the Kanima with as little evidence as possible. Culminating in an all out war with Derek's pack. Overall the episode was just awesome.


  • Chemistry between the cast and the relationships that come out from them. 
  • Allison, gorgeous and badass. A great female character.
  • The level of badass in this episode.
  • The level of awesome in this episode.
  • The tense immediacy of it all.
  • The final assault on the house.
  • Although not exactly a negative, yet anyway, I'm always wary when a show raises a lot of questions, we're almost half way through the season now and who knows if this will get a third season so I'm worried if they keep raising so many questions like they are now and we don't get a third season, a lot will be left unanswered. Time will tell.
  • It's really hard to take Derek and his pack seriously when they get owned every episode.
  • Convoluted Kanima lore.

Think About It!


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